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Tecplot 360ex 2020 R2 m1 Win Linux mac 專業的CFD/CAE視覺化分析軟體 英文破解版(DVD一片裝)





Tecplot 360ex 2020 R2 m1 Win Linux mac 專業的CFD/CAE視覺化分析軟體 英文破解版(DVD一片裝) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:Tecplot 360ex 2020 R2 m1 Win Linux mac 專業的CFD/CAE視覺化分析軟體 英文破解版(DVD一片裝) 語系版本:英文破解版 光碟片數:單片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:Win Linux mac 軟體類型:專業的CFD/CAE視覺化分析軟體 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2021-05-28 官方網站:http://www.tecplot.com 中文網站: 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:$180元 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=   破解說明: 1. Install or update the SolidSQUAD Universal License Server If SolidSQUAD Universal License Server has never been installed on the computer: - unzip the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder from "SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_.zip" to any DRIVE ROOT folder X:\ (like C:\, D:\, E:\ etc), so the path will be: X:\SolidSQUAD_License_Servers - unzip the "Vendors" folder from "SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_Tecplot_.zip" to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder - As administrator run "install_or_update.sh" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes -- OR -- If SolidSQUAD Universal License Server is already installed, but the release-date of "SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_.zip" is newer than the installed one, update the server installation: - As administrator run "uninstall.sh" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes - unzip the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder from "SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_.zip" to any DRIVE ROOT folder X:\ (like C:\, D:\, E:\ etc), so the path will be: X:\SolidSQUAD_License_Servers - unzip the "Vendors" folder from "SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_Tecplot_.zip" to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder - As administrator run "install_or_update.sh" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes -- OR -- If the release-date of "SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_.zip" is not newer than the installed one but the release-date of "SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_Tecplot_.zip" is newer than the installed one, update Tecplot module only: - unzip the "Vendors" folder from "SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_Tecplot_.zip" to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder - As administrator run "install_or_update.sh" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes 5. Install Tecplot Focus 2020 R2 Linux64 running installer script to /opt/tecplot. 6. At first program start when asked for license select "Network License Server" and input for server name: localhost for server port: 26800 7. Make sure host "download.tecplot.com" is blocked in etc/hosts file of your OS. If not add this line to /etc/hosts: download.tecplot.com 8. Reboot computer 9. Enjoy! 軟體簡介:   Tecplot 360 EX2020破解版是強大的CFD或流體動力學解決方案,能夠載入包含500 萬個數據點的資料檔案。在Tecplot 360 EX Analyze功能表上可以找到CFD分析工具 ,包括集成功能,可以訪問Tecplot的新型高性能分區資料檔案格式.szplt。用於 通過本機資料載入器的Fluent,FLOW-3D,EnSight,ANSYS,OpenFOAM等CFD資料格 式。能夠載入包含基於面(多邊形和多面)區域的資料檔案Tecplot 360 2020 R1本 機支援高解析度顯示器。該軟體已更新到Qt 5 GUI(圖形用戶介面)工具箱,該工 具箱支援視網膜顯示器和4K顯示器。Tecplot 360 2020 R1將自動檢測防滑表面(零 速度的表面)。並且它將在繪製表面受限的流跡之前查詢鄰近體積資料的速度。向 量可以均勻分佈,使流程更易於理解。當網格是自適應的或不規則的時,這特別有 用。向量可以在每個節點上顯示均勻的分佈,從而使流程更易於查看和理解,而不 是在每個節點上顯示向量(過於密集)或跳過節點(在某些區域仍然過於密集而在 其他區域過於稀疏)。具有眾多獨特的功能和優勢,例如集成XY,2D和3D圖,使它 們看起來完全像您想要的方式。可通過出色的圖像和動畫傳達您的結果。通過使用 PyTecplot Python腳本自動化無聊的東西,使用Chorus分析參數資料時絕不會錯過 任何結果,可使用SZL伺服器用戶端伺服器安全地訪問大型遠端資料 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
