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Ascential Datastage 7.5x2 英文光碟正式版 (元資料管理)(3CD)





Ascential Datastage 7.5x2 英文光碟正式版 (元資料管理)(3CD) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:Ascential Datastage 7.5x2 英文光碟正式版 (元資料管理)(3CD) 語系版本:英文版 光碟片數:3片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003 軟體類型:未分類軟體 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2005/3/26 官方網站:http://www.ascential.com/products/datastage.html 中文網站:http://www.ascential.com/products/datastage.html 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:240 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體簡介: Ascential Datastage 7.5x2 英文光碟正式版 (元資料管理)(3CD) 相關網址: http://www.ascential.com/products/datastage.html 安裝說明: * DataStage Server: Serial Number: 12345 CPU Count: 100 Expiration Date: 12/12/2099 Enterprise Edition Code: MRCJPnYl9cO Server Code: Ji01z/oH0cN MVS Edition Code: mW.l3u0xDpr RTI Agent: rM5ETjXcXWk SAS Integration: bn/VIM59BJb IMS Source: 22.2HXIZtPT * DataStage Client: Serial Number: 12345-DSDES User Limit: 100 Expiration Date: 12/12/2099 Authorization Code: FJ/IKr/khOS 內容說明: MetaStage是Ascential提供的元資料管理工具,主要功能是元資料的管理及轉換,進行碰撞分析, 跟蹤元資料的來源和去向等,通過web或MetaStage的用戶端都可以訪問。面對目前各個子系統複 雜的資料結構,建立資料倉庫要清楚瞭解每個元資料的含義,並且需要在資料倉庫、資料庫設計 工具ERWin、Oracle Designer, ER/Studio、前端展現工具Cognos Impromptu等之間共用元資料 資訊,並且在未來可以利用MetaStage進行元資料的血統分析,減少調整資料結構對整個系統的 影響。一個複雜資料倉庫系統中元資料維護的工作量是相當大的,Ascential作為市場上唯一一 家提供元資料管理工具的公司,正是基於這種考慮,針對管理資料倉庫作了碰撞分析,來源、去 向分析等,幫助管理員來建立和管理資料倉庫。 The Solution to Enterprise Data Integration. Any Source. Any Target. Anytime. All Built on the Most Scalable and Robust Data Integration Architecture Available. Ascential DataStageT, a core component of Ascential Enterprise Integration Suite, enables you to tightly integrate enterprise information, regardless of the sources, targets and timeframes. Whether you're building an enterprise data warehouse to support the information needs of the entire company, building a "real-time" data warehouse, or integrating dozens of source systems to support strategic business systems like CRM, SCM, ERP, BI/analytics, and e-business, Ascential DataStage helps ensure the success of your enterprise data integration initiatives. Ascential DataStage delivers four core capabilities, all of which are necessary for successful data transformation within any enterprise data integration project: * Connectivity to a wide range of mainframe, legacy and enterprise applications, databases, and external information sources - to ensure that every critical enterprise data asset can be used. * Comprehensive, intrinsic, pre-built library of 300 functions - to reduce development time and learning curves, increase data accuracy and reliability, and provide reliable documentation that lowers maintenance costs. * Maximum throughput from any hardware investment used in the completion of bulk tasks within the smallest batch windows, and the highest volumes of continuous, event-based transformations using a single high-performance parallel processing architecture. * Enterprise-class capabilities for development, deployment, and maintenance with no hand-coding required; and high-availability platform support - to reduce on-going administration and implementation risk. Ascential DataStage is part of Ascential's Enterprise Integration Suite, and is integrated with best-of-class data profiling and data quality and cleansing products for the most complete, scalable enterprise data integration solution available. Value to your organization: * Ensures that all business decisions are based on complete, relevant, and accurate data * Delivers information to business users in a form they understand * Dramatically speeds development, time-to-value and ROI of new applications * Provides a complete history and context of data for business and technical users * Accommodates unlimited data volume growth without requiring costly rewrites * Leverages and extends the value of existing integration investments * Supports Real-time data integration -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
